What now? How I Intend to Rebuild, Reinvent, Revitalize, and Renew.

I seem to be waiting terribly long between posts, and then there’s so much to say I can barely find a place to start.

I just published the last post today, but it was written back in January.

Catching up: hormone therapy is a godsend, things were/are on their way up, I decided to go mostly Keto, my marriage almost ended, and the stress of that brought my immune system down enough to get sick with what is possibly/probably Covid-19.  Today I seem to be feeling better, but who knows what else today will bring.

The list above just doesn’t do it justice.  Really.  Each thing on that list is loaded enough to be it’s own post.  But, I can’t really extricate these things from my intention for this post either- to develop a plan of action for the next few weeks.  I guess I will need to find a way to blend them both without writing an entire novel.

Since schools are closed and I am in self-quarantine (as requested by the doctor based on my symptoms), I am trying to figure out what the heck to do with myself for the next 3 weeks.  I don’t want to just wile away, growing couch ass and binging on Neflix.


*Physical development – get workouts back up, get some muscle back, get some fitness back.  Between the total derail of the “I almost got divorced” week where I didn’t sleep or eat for almost 3 days…and then a few more days of zombie-like existence, then the following week of: “Am I getting a cold? What’s this cough? Why does it hurt when I breathe? Why am I so exhausted? Oh shit I need to lie down! Wow even hanging a little laundry makes me winded.”  By the way, I never did run a fever, but I did have one hell of a 4-day-long stomach ache.  Not a symptom of Covid, but definitely present for me.  Maybe a flare-up of diverticulitis because my immune system was under assault?

Do I feel well enough today to work out a little?  I plan to try.  Maybe some time on the bike plus some body work.  I should avoid running outside for now as long as my lungs are still touchy and as long as I may still be contagious.

*Diet: continue my “mostly Keto” regimen.  I gotta say, it is working beautifully so far and without the feeling of deprivation I get from calorie restriction that usually leads to a binge.  The longer I am “off carbs” the more have have little desire for them.

I’d like to share something pretty personal, I recently came to terms with how much food meant(means?) to me.  I allowed myself to admit how I used food to deal with just about every emotion, how I used food to try not to feel things, how I used food as a primary coping strategy.  Food was how I celebrate, food was how I decompressed, food was how I soothed myself, food was my bestie.  Food was the very definition of “frenemy”.

When I thought about going on a “diet” I tried not to acknowledge the internal panic that rose immediately at the “loss” of my bestie.   Imagine the horrible ex that you break up with only to “hook up” whenever your are feeling lonely.  Then always hate yourself after.  Well, that’s food for me.  More specifically, carbs.  After all, I don’t really binge on celery and chicken.

Since I started “mostly keto” about 3 weeks ago, I have lost 8 pounds and I have not wanted to binge.  I don’t feel deprived.  I realize that being calorie restricted made me worry that I would eat all my food and still be hungry for the rest of the night (which happened often).  Somehow this would lead to a “fuck it, I’m hungry” moment on many days, and that usually resulted in an all-out binge.

That doesn’t happen with Keto.  I come home hungry and I know I can eat as much as I need to without fear of being deprived.  I can more easily control what I eat when I don’t feel like I am “not allowed” to eat enough.

I also read a book called Never Binge Again.  Some of the author’s philosophy is a little “out there” but it is effective.  I have found myself in the store being tempted to get/want something taboo and quietly said, “shut up pig”.  NO, that is not me calling myself a pig!  It’s a strategy from the book where you separate your true self from your inner food addict, dubbed “the pig”.  That way, YOU are not having a craving or wanting to buy those chocolate donut-holes, it’s you inner addict – your “pig”.

The best take-away from the book is a 4-way food plan you develop for yourself.  Seriously, it was nice to read an idea from this author and NOT have him tell me how/what I should eat.  He clearly encourages you to develop it for yourself based on where you are and what you know of yourself.  I loved it.

The basics of what he recommends: a 4-part plan/list.  Never, Always, Unrestricted, Conditional.  If you are truly interested, consider reading the book.  He really had some good insights and I’m still working on processing it.  I didn’t finish the whole book – it seemed to offer what was valuable to me and then got a little wonky.  I got something great out if it, and then I put it down when it seemed to “go a little too far”.

I will likely go back and reread at least some of it to glean just a bit more, I think there’s layers for me to get under slowly.  My food addiction began when I was 8 yeas old, so at 47 it makes sense that I won’t get it all resolved in a day or two!  It will take time to unpack it all.  Duh.

Anyway, I am basically keto except for 1 meal per week where I can just relax and have a taco without worrying about the tortilla.  If you are interested in my personal 4-way food plan, let me know and I’ll do a post on it.

*Personal development: so many many things.  Learn a language?  Work on that book I began but never finished?  Start a new autobiographical book that I’ve always thought I would write someday?

*Mental/Emotional development: continue reading and reflecting on personally resonant topics – Shame, food addition, and “to be discovered”

*Relationship development: as I said, my marriage almost ended.  In the end, what was an awful, gut-wrenching crisis that brought us both to our knees….was the moment we realized how much we truly love each other, how much we had each retreated into our own defense mechanisms, how far apart we had gotten, and how vitally important our marriage was to both of us.  We decided that it was important enough to lay it all out and put it on the line, show our uglies, take the risky move of fully revealing what the hell was going on inside us, getting vulnerable and quite terrified.

It was time to go all in, or get all out.  We chose all in.

And here’s where hormone therapy comes in….if not for that and the radical changes it made for me on a cellular level, I would probably be working on divorce papers.  Read my post on “feeling lost” and you will come to understand why hormone therapy became a life-changing, marriage saving, miracle for me.

Don’t get me wrong – I had my shit, and he definitely had his.  We were equally responsible for our part in making it and in breaking it.  Now, we have both taken a long hard look at the roles we both played, the things we misinterpreted, and the ways we each withdrew in unhealthy and ineffective “self-protection” strategies.  We have each committed to the hard-ass work of not only laying it on the line with each other, but the even harder work of keeping it all on the line day in and day out.

We both fully acknowledge that only DAILY dedication, careful attention and total commitment will allow us to keep what we’ve rediscovered.  Otherwise, it will easily get lost again in the hustle and bustle of daily life, in the ridiculously stupid arguments over peppers and lettuce, and in the seductive and deceptive “comfort” of our default personal withdrawal strategies.

*Rest/Relax/Rejuvenate: um…I’ve been though it.  In the span of a couple weeks I was emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically destroyed by a whole host of hellish things.  I want to take some time to love myself, heal my heart, patch my soul back together, and just….come home.

Next up: some kind of “plan”….



I feel like I lost my mojo, my drive, my confidence, my capability, myself.

Where did I go?  Seriously, I used to feel pretty on top of things, on top of life.  Lately, and by lately I mean for the past few YEARS, I feel like I’m slowly slipping away.

I seem (or at least feel) less capable, less “sharp”, less motivated, less energetic, less…everything.

Realistically, I think this is simply what perimenopause feels like.  It SUCKS.

To be fair to myself, I had a hard week. I had an attack of diverticulitis and have been dealing with that and on some seriously bad-ass antibiotics.  One side of me says, “give yourself a break sister!”  And another side says, “you are on one long-ass break these days – GET UP and FIGHT for it!!”  And I try to fight…and then I just lay down my sword and surrender.

WHERE did I go?  Where is my “fighter-girl”?  That’s how I used to see me.  I looked at life and said, “Go ahead, take your best shot and watch me get even stronger! RAH!”

Now, it’s more like, “please just leave me alone.”

It seems like I have a good week (last week I hit 5 workouts, did great…felt like Yeah! Here I go!), and then a bad one (this week, sick on antibiotics, no workouts and miserable).  Like some kind of absolutely horrible version of wax-on wax-off…except it’s Karen-on and Karen-off.

Today I worked out and felt so plain tired that I half-assed about half of it, then broke out crying because I felt so defeated.

At least I worked out today.  I am trying really hard to call that a win…but it feels like the bar has gotten so low…and I have to keep lowering it…


The Body’s Wisdom: a story of too much protein not enough fat? Too much not listening when my body says “something ain’t right!”

This is one of those…where do I begin? posts.

As you may know, I started this new phase in January and began this blog as part of that.  My first post  explains where and how I came to that place, including my gastric-bypass and long history with weight and body image issues.

I felt pretty good…for about 3 weeks.

I had some things right, and some things possibly very wrong.  Knowing myself, I went “all-out” at the beginning (right).  I decided to only give myself one rest day a week at first (right), but then carried that out for several weeks (wrong).  I didn’t set a pre-decided time limit on when I would scale back to “reasonable” limits (wrong).  So, every time my body said “TIRED!” I ignored it and kept pushing (obviously wrong).  I pushed until my physical and mental status declined terribly.

Oh, but wait, there’s more.

See, I had a misguided idea that more protein is better, always better.  You can’t eat too much protein.  I designed my food plan to limit daily intake to about 1200 calories with what ended up being about 120g of protein most days.  This is the upper end of what some say bodybuilders should eat and double what the “don’t eat too much protein” people would recommend.

Another GIANT mistake was not caring about the other macro’s (fat and carbs), I just cared about maximizing protein and minimizing calories.  It turns out, in my quest to keep calories low and protein high, I was minimizing fat.  Not because I believe in a low-fat diet (I know better than that!), but because of the misguided ideas above.


The combination of all this meant that, as the weeks went on, I felt shittier and shittier.  Physically and mentally I declined.  Slowly at first, the rapidly.

What I now realize/believe is that I was going into an inflammatory state and that caused several “symptoms” like:

*my joints started hurting and getting sore – more than what would be “normal” for me.

*I felt terrible, my energy bottomed out, and I felt like I had the flu all the time.

*My muscles would get extremely sore for no good reason – even light workouts would leave me very sore sometimes…and it took me twice as long to recover.  Once, a light leg workout left me unable to walk right for TWO days.  What I did should not have left me sore at all…much less hobbling for two days.

*I started getting very depressed, WAY more/worse than what I would call “usual” for me.  I wondered why I suddenly struggled so much more and worse than normal for me.

*I daily had the thought, “what the heck is wrong with ,me!?”

See….my body sent out the signals louder and stronger every day “something ain’t right!”

But I didn’t listen…so I just kept feeling worse and worse.

Then I just happened to do some reading about eating too much protein.  I wondered about it.  I experimented this week with cutting back on protein…and began feeling better.  I looked at my eating plan this weekend.

I read something about how too much protein combined with not enough fat can be disastrous for your body.  I decided to see how much fat I was actually consuming in my plan.  I did the math….OH CRAP.  I was eating less than 30g of fat a day, most days hovering close to about 20.  Even a “low-fat” diet says 50g a day, I was less than half that most days!

So, I made some adjustments.

*I  upped the calories to 1400-1500, which is more reasonable for my activity levels AND still a deficit so I can lose that last 10 pounds.

*I cut protein down to about 70-75g per day.

*I upped my fat intake to 45-55g per day (maybe still too low but better!)

*I added a rest day on Wednesdays (now 2 days rest per week).

*I am remembering the importance of the mind and making meditation an important component of the plan.


So far, I am already feeling MUCH better overall.  I felt better on my run yesterday than I have felt in a while!  When I woke up feeling yucky today (my husband and I both seem to be coming down with a cold), I did some of my workout to see how I would feel (body work, then a 1.5 mile run) and I could tell my body was really saying “not today” after about a mile, so I headed home early.

I will keep trying to listen to my body and stop over-riding it’s wisdom.  Let’s see how this goes over time….

Flight of the Bumblebee…

I realized suddenly today that my life and mind feel like the flight of the bumblebee lately…

A video that pretty much sums it up.

Can you believe that I forgot about meditation?  Seriously, I got/get so caught up in it all that I forget that meditation can help, can cure what ills me.

I’ve been spinning around with:

*a significant home renovation project (this week half the house was covered in plastic as the walls and ceilings got “put back” with drywall) , now we have what furniture didn’t get moved into the garage last weekend covered in plastic as we begin priming ceilings and walls…

*trying to keep up with a daily workout regimen and making “eating plan” meals…

*trying to keep the house in livable condition while “everything is everywhere”

*calling the vet about the skin issues my young Doberman is having that are driving her and everyone crazy..

*speaking of said young Doberman…trying to keep up with the SAGA of destruction of this dog.  Seriously….she ATE two, yes TWO, pool vacuums, EVERY sprinkler head in the backyard, she manages to move 50lb rocks we strategically placed to prevent her from digging in certain “favorite” spots…then she digs it all out.  It feels like a full-time job just trying to have a yard that doesn’t look like a war-zone with an increasingly green pool.

*teaching full-time while serving as Union rep, on the school Site Council, being the senior class advisor, helping to start the new music club/choir….and trying to keep up with planning and grading, keeping up with the constant revolving door of kids going out on “independent study” (read as: parents wanted to take 2 week vacation during school because it is cheaper).

*working with my sister to deal with and find solutions for my mom’s advancing dementia and my aging dad being overwhelmed by her needs.  This included spending an entire Saturday deep-cleaning their kitchen and bringing dinner and visiting every Wednesday – helping with chores and things while there.

*designing a new camper van that I wish I had time to actually buy and work on! (gotta have something FUN to think about!)


I kept feeling like I need rest.  I need a break…I want to just run away from it all and live in a hut in the forest! (or in a van down by the river!)

Today, I remembered meditation…but I thought of it a new way.  “Mental REST”

I realize….I have rested my body (not enough, but some).

But, I haven’t “rested” my mind.  It just works and works and works, crunching away on one problem after another…finding solutions, making plans, realizing new problems, trying to find solutions for those, remembering this appointment, and then that thing that needed to get done yesterday and this other thing I need to do right now, and then…and then…and then…and then…and OH crap I’m late for ___!  Shit, I forgot to___, Damn, I can’t do ___right now, because that ___is in “emergency” status!

Calgon, take me AWAY!

Then…today I remembered meditation.  I said, let me just take a “mind break” and just let all this shit go for a minute.

I did a favorite exercise that I developed some time ago (and forgot about):

I breathed in and said “rest” to my mind.

I breathed out and saw my breath as a gentle breeze blowing thought my brain and clearing out all the “dust and clutter”.

With each “rest” breath, that gentle breeze blew out just a little more “mental dust” (thoughts)…I know one breath won’t blow it all away…but each breath blows just a few more granules…after a few breaths my mind feels…cleaner.  All those thoughts are miles away, blown far away on that gentle breeze of my breath.

I find some clarity again, less rushing around in there, less making everything such a big deal, more letting go.

And suddenly this little bumblebee finds a nice little flower to rest on and laughs at all the insanity (instead of finding myself all caught up in it).