Acceptance vs. Resignation

I have long grappled with the difference between acceptance and resignation. I used to have this idea that I could not allow myself to “accept” the things about myself I saw as unfavorable or less than what I desire them to be because I thought acceptance of my current reality would mean I am not motivated to change it.

In some ways, there is truth in that idea but it is a dangerous and unhealthy way to exist. I used to hold on to a deep rejection and dissatisfaction with “now” to motivate myself for something better later. Looking back, it was even more pervasive than I realized. I pushed myself constantly, rejecting any result that wasn’t perfect. I lived with relentless determination towards perfection as I defined it. I have learned that this type of drive towards perfection is very common for survivors of childhood trauma…duh.

If you grew up trying to be perfect in order to avoid abuse and then learned that no amount of perfect is perfect enough, then it leads to a very unhealthy relationship with yourself and your current reality. It results in a tendency to never accept yourself as you are and to perpetually find yourself “not good enough yet”


This behavior as adult caught up with me and I crashed down. I developed some severe symptoms, and eventually I just couldn’t do it anymore.

I am working on acceptance that isn’t resignation. I still haven’t quite figured out how to accept myself as I am now and still be motivated to get better, because my motivation has always come from a rejection of how it is now. Doesn’t really making the effort to lose weight or be healthier have to entail being dissatisfied with your current weight and state of health? I feel like a dog chasing it’s tail.

So what current realities do I need to accept?

*I am deep into perimenopause and the hormone swings are making consistency with anything VERY challenging. My emotional state is unpredictable and I tend towards depression at least half of the time. Depression makes it very difficult to be motivated to eat healthy and work out.

*I have very little ability to control this cycle right now.

*I have gained a significant amount of weight and I see how it is now enough to interfere with my strength, mobility, agility, and stamina. Hormone changes also affect these things, my body feels significantly different at different times of the month.

*My body is changing in ways that make my old workout routines more challenging. I have joint and soft tissue pain that makes running more painful. The increased anxiety is also a factor when I think about going running.

*I am not as healthy now as I was a year or two ago, and this is because of the changes in my behavior.

*Right now, my biggest obstacles are the lack of motivation and consistency that are needed to get the results that I want.

So what now? How do I respond to this reality?

My first reaction right now is to say “I don’t know” and cry. Then, here’s the rest of the internal dialogue:

“Don’t give up! Get up and fight for it!”

Then, “oh, even if you fight today, you know it won’t last long, so just don’t bother.”

“You can’t give up, that is accepting defeat, keep trying at least. Some days you will win and some days you won’t…but you have to try!”

“But if consistency is how you win this, then you are not going to win it if you can’t be consistent.”

and on, and on it goes….where this will stop nobody knows 😦

I also recognize that I am in my “stage 1” of depression which is fueling the negative side of the above internal conversation.

Cleary, I don’t have this figured out yet. But, I am determined to keep trying.

Let me try again…

So what now? How do I respond to this reality?

Scale back and look for a few small things I can be consistent with that move me in the right direction.

Make small goals that I can stick to, so that I can feel successful and move forward at the same time. Stop telling myself that this is “lowered expectations” or “selling out” because this isn’t helpful and will make giving up more likely.

Be patient, it might WILL take a while to get where I want. It will be slow. Right now…make slow and steady the goal. Right now…it is simply better to take 1 step forward than to keep taking 20 steps backwards.

What goals would fit with this? Keep it simple, keep it small, keep it “easy” and no more than 2-3 goals. Think- what can I follow through with, even on my bad days? That’s the kicker – the bad days are so very hard to navigate successfully.

But, I need to build up some “success” and some “success” will help me stay motivated. If I can get on a roll, it is easier to keep it going even when I have a bad day, as long as the goals are small and achievable.

Goal 1: EVERY DAY do either a formal workout of any length OR a strenuous physical activity (like yardwork or hiking)

Goal 2: Take the fish oil, St. Johns and my “green drink with Turmeric” every day to help with mental and overall health.

Goal 3: When making food choices ask myself if am I actually hungry right now and WWHME?? (what would healthy me eat?) Make choices that align with healthy me and shoot for generally less intake. Healthy me also doesn’t binge or engage in emotional eating.

Damn, I’m not there yet. Even this feels overwhelming right now (depression level 1). Maybe I should consider medication. Maybe I should just see how I feel tomorrow, or even just an hour from now, or even in just 5 minutes…thanks to hormones, you just never know. I am so sick to death of this.

Seriously – this is what I am talking about! How will I be consistent if I am so all over the place??

Update: I kinda crashed yesterday after I wrote that, but I did much better today so far. I ran a mile this morning and did goal 2, hoping that some quick and early success would set me up for a positive day. So far, so good. I took the dune buggy for a joy ride this afternoon and felt wonderful. Today has been a good day.

Feeling better – for now. What depression feels like for me…

So that last post was a definite low spot for me, but I am very happy about it. Why? Because it wasn’t nearly as low as low goes for me, and it only lasted a day. It was clearly tied to these damn hormones. I am sincerely hoping that when this stage (perimenopause) is done, things can settle down and feel less unpredictable.

I have wanted to write about this for a while…what depressed vs. not depressed feels like for me. But it isn’t so clear as that because, for me, depression has levels and stages. I am hoping by sharing these insights from a life of trauma-based depression, someone out there can benefit.

Let me start with what it feels like when I am not depressed:

*Sunrises and sunsets (and birds and music and nature) make me feel joyful and grateful, I make a point to pause and watch and I feel full of happiness and awe.

*Tasks, chores, work, obligations, and life in general feels easy. Not much feels hard and difficult and, when something does feel challenging, I feel capable of rising to the challenge.

*Sometimes I even enjoy challenges and seek them out, because conquering them makes me feel good.

*Motivation comes easy, I follow through on workouts without much of an internal fight, I feel naturally motivated to do things and feel good about getting things done.

*Workouts feel good and I feel great afterwards. I often feel motivated to push myself and enjoy it.

*I don’t feel like I NEED food for comfort, food is good and I enjoy eating healthy foods. I make good choices.

*I don’t like where I am with my weight, but I feel strong and able to do something about it.

*Life feels full of hope and promise.

Stage 1 of depression:

*I have to push myself towards things I need to do, motivation is less natural and more forced.

*I work out less often and each time it is a battle I fight with myself. When I do workout, it feels so much harder than usual and I don’t get the high out of it anymore. It just feels like a chore.

*I start wanting food for comfort, sometimes with a sense of rebellion…the “oh fuck it” feeling moves in.

*I feel bad about not being as on top of things, I feel bad about my eating and weight. Feelings of hopelessness move in.

*Work and other things I need to do make me a little angry because I don’t want to do them. I feel like a toddler with a bad case of “I don’t wanna”.

Stage 2 of depression:

*Sunrises and sunsets make me upset because I can’t feel any sense of joy. The “can’t feel the joy” sensation makes me feel despair and deep sadness.

*I am fully eating for comfort and alternating between guilt and anger over food.

*Workout battles wage on most days, but I fail every day now. I basically stop working out and feel like shit about it.

*I feel hopeless about my weight and full despair. Thinking about it makes me run to the kitchen for comfort and eating makes me feel both guilt and comfort, and I hate myself.

*EVERYTHING feels HARD. Basic tasks feel HUGE, nothing is easy. I have to work to motivate myself to do basic things.

*Every day I feel like an ant pushing a boulder up a hill in deep sand.

*Every scrap of motivation I can find, I have to work for, using all my strategies and coping skills just to function.

*I start to want to do nothing and seek out dark spaces. I want to crawl in bed and watch TV.

*I catch those “thoughts” popping in occasionally. You know the ones I mean.

Stage 3:

*Full stop. Getting out of bed or off the couch is HARD.

*I tend to stare out into space and feel nothing but an utter and complete sense of despair.

*I am not able to function because everything feels so completely hopeless and pointless. Why bother?

*Those “thoughts” become more frequent and intrusive.

Now – stage 3 signals – GET HELP! And I no longer proceed to stage 4. I haven’t experienced stage 3 since last May.

Check-in 7/8

It has been a few days since my last post.  I went camping.  I knew before I left that I couldn’t maintain the same program while camping, but I had hoped to come close.  I packed with the best of intentions….

and then I slowly went off the rails.  And I was on my period.  It is true that I had “gained” back 3 pounds before I left, and now I have added 2 more.   I am trying to keep myself motivated and avoid the “oh, just give up” urge.

While that first week was really “successful” it was awful.  I have done extreme dieting before, but never have I been so miserable and hungry for so many days.  Yes, it was PMS week and that probably had something to do with it.  But, damn, that was pretty awful and I don’t want to attempt to sustain that at all.

So, I will see this as a work in progress.  I refuse to stop trying and I will force myself to keep blogging, because that seems to ground me.

I got home from camping on Sunday.  I tried to get back on track on Monday, here’s how it went:

Monday 7/6:  I ran 5 miles and did upper body work and core work.  Total workout time = about 2 hours.  YAY!!!!  I had planned to also work on some projects at home, but I pretty much crashed down after the workout. 😦  I also had planned to get my eating back under control but with added calories.  That didn’t happen.  Let’s just say that there were 2-3 PB &J’s involved….

Tuesday 7/7: I ran 5 miles again and then did a leg workout knowing that today (Wed) would be a rest day.  Afterwards, I took some physical rest time to work on the revised eating plan.  Then I was tempted to veg for the day again.  I used one of my personal strategies, and it worked!

Strategy: I give myself a time interval that feels doable and non-intimidating to get work/tasks done, then I give myself permission to have what I want at the end (in this case TV time).  Basically it is a delayed reward strategy.

Yesterday I looked at the clock and it was 1:35, I told myself to work on getting a few more things done until 2:00, then I could have 2 hours of TV time.  I changed the litter box, which led to vacuuming the house, I did some laundry, and it was about 2:00.  I had a project I wanted to get moving on (clearing out a pantry cabinet, remove cabinet to be replaced by a walk-in pantry closet).  So, I used another strategy of mine, and it worked!

Strategy: baby steps.  Take a larger intimidating task and find one small part you can do to begin.  Commit only to that small piece and begin.

So, yesterday my desire was to empty the entire cabinet and tear it out (HUGE task).  I found the “bigness” of it intimidating and had trouble getting myself to start.  So, I told myself, “just take the doors off” then maybe I will stop and have some TV time.  I took the doors off and it was enough to get me going….I was feeling like doing a little more.  So I said, “just clear out the top 2 shelves”.  So I did, but then I kept going and had the next 2 shelves cleared too.  Then…I kind of wanted to see how the tear out might go and decided to grab my tools (hammer and crowbar).   I started tearing it out….and got to where the remaining shelves needed to be cleared in order to keep going.  So I hastily cleared them, ripped out the entire cabinet, grabbed the garbage bin and started throwing the parts away, setting aside parts that could get repurposed.

By 4:00, I was done.  I decided to take a nice dip in the pool to cool off, then park on the couch for some well earned TV time, having accomplished everything I had wanted to accomplish for the day.  TV time is SO much better when it feels earned and when I don’t feel guilty.  It is so nice to sit down with a feeling of accomplishment instead of a feeling of obligation and regret!

I was so busy that I barely ate anything most of the day, when I did eat, it was “on plan”.  I would say I was completely on track for the day until just before bed.  I made a piece of whole grain toast with nut butter and a little jelly (damn those PB &J’s!).  I didn’t want to go to bed hungry and have trouble sleeping.

Today Wed. 7/8:  a planned rest day (more on that in a minute), “rest” being that I do not have an official workout planned.  I do plan to use the time and energy saved to work on projects and keep things moving.  I also plan to use my new eating plan today.  I also wanted to make a big point to get back into the blog.  So far so good.

So, for anyone interested, here’s the “plan”  at least for this week:

*Workouts: fewer of them but longer/more intense when I do.  I realized that I keep “saving energy” during my workouts because I had so many planned that I worry to run out of steam.  It meant that I did many workouts, but always holding back.  I decided I don’t like that.  I also don’t like the 5-6 day stretch with no rest days, by day 2-3 I feel tired and the rest is too far into the future…a recipe for misery.

So, the plan:

Monday:  run 4-5 miles, then do upper body and core.

Tuesday: run 4-5 miles, then do legs.

Wed: Active rest day.

Thurs: repeat Monday

Fri: repeat Tuesday

Sat: Active rest day

Sun: FULL STOP, total physical rest.

**Future plan:  when ready, do a run on Sunday AM, then full stop/rest for the remainder of the day.

Eating:  I raised the calories to 1500, still keeping the carbs lower for the day.

Let’s see how it goes….

Oh, one more thing:  I decided to take a break from hormone therapy, it just felt like my body was seriously out of kilter and I needed to give it a break.  I haven’t taken anything since last Monday.  So far, I feel more like my regular self than I have a for while, since early April?  So, I think I will at least wait out a full “cycle” and see how I feel.





End-of-Day Check-in 6/29

How did today go? How did I feel?  Aw, dang. Today was a total bust.  I went through 15 different emotions this morning in a span of 10 minutes, and eventually settled in on “oh, fuck it”.  I seriously derailed today.  Some of it was from feeling disappointed that, despite being back on course yesterday, my 3 pound bump up from the day before didn’t budge.

And then….helllllooooo Aunt FLO! 😦

So, THAT’S why I was feeling like that today!

Today’s workout(s) and activity: ummm, does a Netflix marathon count?

Did I meditate today? Only if staring at a screen for hours counts as meditating.

3 things I am grateful for today: 1)Netflix 🙂  2) Food.  3) Feminine hygiene products.

Hopes for tomorrow: To “slough off” the funk and dive of today and get back on it tomorrow.  Oh, and I might be literally in the woods….so there might a a gap for a few days.





End-of-Day Check-in 6/28

How did today go? How did I feel?  Pretty great.  I got back on the eating plan, worked out, and stayed active much of the day.  No crabs or extreme hunger today!  After my rest and cheat day yesterday, my weight came back up by 3 pounds, but I am still down by 6 for the week.

Today’s workout(s) and activity:  ran 5 miles in AM and did some ab work and 65 push-ups.  Then I put together a small garden shed I had ordered and an outdoor storage bench, cleaned the house, did 3 loads of laundry, and took out the garbage.  So, a pretty active day.

Calories: 1150

Did I meditate today? Not really

3 things I am grateful for today: 1) Feeling good and having energy.  2) Still having 7 weeks before I go back to work to get things done and projects finished.  3)  My really great relationship with my sister and her family.  I love my nephews!

Hopes for tomorrow:  To maintain my energy and find the right balance between pushing myself to be active and pushing myself too hard and wearing myself out.  I hope to see the numbers on the scale begin going back down again.  I hope that I won’t spend the day being hungry all day long.




End-of-Day Check-in 6/26


How did today go? Well, it depends on how you look at it.  I decided to take a rest day, so I didn’t do any workouts.  I felt pretty crabby a good bit of the day.  The crabbiness, sleep disturbance and achy back probably mean PMS, but nothing is predictable or set in stone these days, so who the heck knows.  The joys of perimenopause.

I stuck to the eating plan, I planned for 1200 calories and ended up with 1225, so…close enough.  I did drop another 2 pounds, so down by 8, now the real work begins.  I need to prepare myself mentally for the pace of weight loss to slow WAY down, and I need to prepare for my weights to fluctuate up and down a little, especially if this might be PMS.  I don’t want to get discouraged.

I am fully aware and acknowledge that I have serious issues around weight and body image and that this is borderline unhealthy.  Too much of my mental well-being is dependent upon the numbers on the scale.  I get that and accept it.  I accept that this is where I am and this stuff is that important to me.  Healthy or not, right or wrong, good or bad…it doesn’t really matter so much.  This is where I am.  I can deny it, or I can use it.  I can work with it and let it work for me, or I can struggle against it.

Did I meditate today? No.

3 things I am grateful for today: Gratitude is harder to find when I feel this crabby.  1) I am grateful that I don’t feel this crabby ALL the time, because that would seriously suck.  2)  That I don’t have to be in a room full of teenagers right now while I am feeling this crabby.  3)  That even in my crabbiness I can make light of it and find humor in it.

Crab, crab, crab, crab crabbity crab-basket.

Hopes for tomorrow: aw geeze.  At this point I might settle for, “get through the day without killing anyone”.


Crab image courtesy of:



What now? How I Intend to Rebuild, Reinvent, Revitalize, and Renew.

I seem to be waiting terribly long between posts, and then there’s so much to say I can barely find a place to start.

I just published the last post today, but it was written back in January.

Catching up: hormone therapy is a godsend, things were/are on their way up, I decided to go mostly Keto, my marriage almost ended, and the stress of that brought my immune system down enough to get sick with what is possibly/probably Covid-19.  Today I seem to be feeling better, but who knows what else today will bring.

The list above just doesn’t do it justice.  Really.  Each thing on that list is loaded enough to be it’s own post.  But, I can’t really extricate these things from my intention for this post either- to develop a plan of action for the next few weeks.  I guess I will need to find a way to blend them both without writing an entire novel.

Since schools are closed and I am in self-quarantine (as requested by the doctor based on my symptoms), I am trying to figure out what the heck to do with myself for the next 3 weeks.  I don’t want to just wile away, growing couch ass and binging on Neflix.


*Physical development – get workouts back up, get some muscle back, get some fitness back.  Between the total derail of the “I almost got divorced” week where I didn’t sleep or eat for almost 3 days…and then a few more days of zombie-like existence, then the following week of: “Am I getting a cold? What’s this cough? Why does it hurt when I breathe? Why am I so exhausted? Oh shit I need to lie down! Wow even hanging a little laundry makes me winded.”  By the way, I never did run a fever, but I did have one hell of a 4-day-long stomach ache.  Not a symptom of Covid, but definitely present for me.  Maybe a flare-up of diverticulitis because my immune system was under assault?

Do I feel well enough today to work out a little?  I plan to try.  Maybe some time on the bike plus some body work.  I should avoid running outside for now as long as my lungs are still touchy and as long as I may still be contagious.

*Diet: continue my “mostly Keto” regimen.  I gotta say, it is working beautifully so far and without the feeling of deprivation I get from calorie restriction that usually leads to a binge.  The longer I am “off carbs” the more have have little desire for them.

I’d like to share something pretty personal, I recently came to terms with how much food meant(means?) to me.  I allowed myself to admit how I used food to deal with just about every emotion, how I used food to try not to feel things, how I used food as a primary coping strategy.  Food was how I celebrate, food was how I decompressed, food was how I soothed myself, food was my bestie.  Food was the very definition of “frenemy”.

When I thought about going on a “diet” I tried not to acknowledge the internal panic that rose immediately at the “loss” of my bestie.   Imagine the horrible ex that you break up with only to “hook up” whenever your are feeling lonely.  Then always hate yourself after.  Well, that’s food for me.  More specifically, carbs.  After all, I don’t really binge on celery and chicken.

Since I started “mostly keto” about 3 weeks ago, I have lost 8 pounds and I have not wanted to binge.  I don’t feel deprived.  I realize that being calorie restricted made me worry that I would eat all my food and still be hungry for the rest of the night (which happened often).  Somehow this would lead to a “fuck it, I’m hungry” moment on many days, and that usually resulted in an all-out binge.

That doesn’t happen with Keto.  I come home hungry and I know I can eat as much as I need to without fear of being deprived.  I can more easily control what I eat when I don’t feel like I am “not allowed” to eat enough.

I also read a book called Never Binge Again.  Some of the author’s philosophy is a little “out there” but it is effective.  I have found myself in the store being tempted to get/want something taboo and quietly said, “shut up pig”.  NO, that is not me calling myself a pig!  It’s a strategy from the book where you separate your true self from your inner food addict, dubbed “the pig”.  That way, YOU are not having a craving or wanting to buy those chocolate donut-holes, it’s you inner addict – your “pig”.

The best take-away from the book is a 4-way food plan you develop for yourself.  Seriously, it was nice to read an idea from this author and NOT have him tell me how/what I should eat.  He clearly encourages you to develop it for yourself based on where you are and what you know of yourself.  I loved it.

The basics of what he recommends: a 4-part plan/list.  Never, Always, Unrestricted, Conditional.  If you are truly interested, consider reading the book.  He really had some good insights and I’m still working on processing it.  I didn’t finish the whole book – it seemed to offer what was valuable to me and then got a little wonky.  I got something great out if it, and then I put it down when it seemed to “go a little too far”.

I will likely go back and reread at least some of it to glean just a bit more, I think there’s layers for me to get under slowly.  My food addiction began when I was 8 yeas old, so at 47 it makes sense that I won’t get it all resolved in a day or two!  It will take time to unpack it all.  Duh.

Anyway, I am basically keto except for 1 meal per week where I can just relax and have a taco without worrying about the tortilla.  If you are interested in my personal 4-way food plan, let me know and I’ll do a post on it.

*Personal development: so many many things.  Learn a language?  Work on that book I began but never finished?  Start a new autobiographical book that I’ve always thought I would write someday?

*Mental/Emotional development: continue reading and reflecting on personally resonant topics – Shame, food addition, and “to be discovered”

*Relationship development: as I said, my marriage almost ended.  In the end, what was an awful, gut-wrenching crisis that brought us both to our knees….was the moment we realized how much we truly love each other, how much we had each retreated into our own defense mechanisms, how far apart we had gotten, and how vitally important our marriage was to both of us.  We decided that it was important enough to lay it all out and put it on the line, show our uglies, take the risky move of fully revealing what the hell was going on inside us, getting vulnerable and quite terrified.

It was time to go all in, or get all out.  We chose all in.

And here’s where hormone therapy comes in….if not for that and the radical changes it made for me on a cellular level, I would probably be working on divorce papers.  Read my post on “feeling lost” and you will come to understand why hormone therapy became a life-changing, marriage saving, miracle for me.

Don’t get me wrong – I had my shit, and he definitely had his.  We were equally responsible for our part in making it and in breaking it.  Now, we have both taken a long hard look at the roles we both played, the things we misinterpreted, and the ways we each withdrew in unhealthy and ineffective “self-protection” strategies.  We have each committed to the hard-ass work of not only laying it on the line with each other, but the even harder work of keeping it all on the line day in and day out.

We both fully acknowledge that only DAILY dedication, careful attention and total commitment will allow us to keep what we’ve rediscovered.  Otherwise, it will easily get lost again in the hustle and bustle of daily life, in the ridiculously stupid arguments over peppers and lettuce, and in the seductive and deceptive “comfort” of our default personal withdrawal strategies.

*Rest/Relax/Rejuvenate: um…I’ve been though it.  In the span of a couple weeks I was emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically destroyed by a whole host of hellish things.  I want to take some time to love myself, heal my heart, patch my soul back together, and just….come home.

Next up: some kind of “plan”….


Less lost, but not necessarily more “found” yet either. This post is from a while back but never got published….see last sentence for reason.

I actually giggled a little at myself when I typed the (original) title for this post. A good sign! The title just came to me when I sat down and saw the title of my last post (Feeling lost). I remember that day – it was kind of awful. But…I am truly proud of how I navigated it.

The beginning of this post was originally, “gosh-golly so many things to say and talk about, I don’t know where to start!” Well, I guess that start was about as good as any other. I am struggling to figure out which thing to talk about, so much is happening in my head. Maybe a titled list would do?

The things on my mind:

*Shame. I am working on and doing a lot of reading on the idea of shame. I will need to dedicate a whole post to this when I am ready, but that’s for another day. Today I will simply say that shame has been playing a very big role in how I live my life, how I see myself, how I judge myself and others, and it is a topic I feel ready to explore. I KNOW in my bones that the only way forward for me is though the swamp of shame/shame awareness. I’ve known at some level that this was necessary, but I was too worried about getting stuck in it to venture forth. HA! I didn’t realize that I’ve been mired in the depths of that swamp for some time already. That’s the thing with shame, it can trick you into thinking that looking at it directly will make it worse, so you try try try to pretend it isn’t there. For me, pretending is what has me stuck. Facing it head-on on my only way home to myself. Again…a topic better left open for future posts to explore.

*Hormones! I allowed myself to fully accept that I am “there”, I am in peri-menopause. I saw the doc and started on hormone therapy. Life. Changing. Holy crap, what a world of difference so far. And even in saying that, there’s a voice of fear in my head, “what if it’s temporary? What if it’s psychosomatic improvement and you will go right back where you were very soon?” What if this is IT and then in a matter of years you will have to stop and go back to “the way it was”?

To all of these things I have to say: I will just have to deal with it as it comes, whatever “it” may be. Damn, that is terrifying! But, what choice do any of us have? Don’t we all just have to “take it as it comes” and simply do our best to navigate it the best we can?

But, for now, I feel like myself again. More like “me” than I have felt in a good while. Hopefully, it will last. I told my husband this, “it feels like an alarm bell has been ringing in my body non-stop. Said alarm bell was declaring a low-level but constant state of “emergency” that had me feeling edgy and that something was “wrong” all the time.” The first day I took the hormones, about 3 hours later I got sleepy. When I say sleepy, I mean I had a biological imperative to lie down and sleep. Fortunately, I was on break and simply laid down. I took a 4 hour “nap” and woke up feeling like a new person. I got up and felt like I had both the motivation and energy to do a few chores. Afterwards, I sat down and noticed…I was comfortable! I suddenly realized comfortable has been absent for some time. My body (and mainly my hips) has been aching constantly. I can’t remember the last time I sat down and didn’t have to move and shift every minute or two in an effort to get comfortable, trying to find a position that was less painful. Well, all of a sudden, my hips just….didn’t hurt. That alone feels like a damn miracle!

The best change is hard to describe. Before I felt “edgy” and now I feel more calm, more like myself.

*Auto-immune? My regular doctor saw me a couple weeks before the gyn (just before the previous post) and he was concerned. I was in the middle of a bout of diverticulitis and was about to begin the serious antibiotic regimen that brought me to my knees and had me begging God for mercy. I had a couple days where I was simply to tired to stand up. Yep, standing was too hard. When I tried to pick up a blanket, it was too heavy. I have only felt like that in the days after major surgery. I am still stunned at just how bad I felt.

Anyway, before that moment, my doc asked me “apart from the diverticulitis, how have you been feeling?” I told him about my strange body aches. Waking up feeling like I worked out real hard the day before, but I didn’t. The same kind of muscle pain and stiffness from a good workout -but without the workout. Oh, and sometimes my regular everyday workout has me so sore I can barely move the next few days. Sometimes the EXACT same workout leaves me feeling fine. If I sit for more than a few minutes, I get stiff and it hurts to stand up and I limp for a few steps until my hips loosen back up. Add on some fatigue that seems to be getting worse despite me trying to rest more. I am doing less and less, resting more and more and yet….not feeling better. He said he thought it might be an auto-immune condition called PMR.

What scares me…is when I did some research and reading…I found some things that matched some other odd symptoms I’ve had for years that I didn’t happen to mention to my doctor (strange nerve pricks and pains, like it suddenly feels like someone is stabbing you and then it goes away just as quickly, more recently increasing clumsiness and difficulty concentrating). These symptoms come closer to MS. I had a good friend some time ago with progressive MS, I was with her through some difficult times, she has since passed from related issues. I know how hard and unrelenting MS is, and the very idea of it is terrifying. MS takes everything. It steals everything from you.

My family history has a very strong tendency toward auto-immune disorders. No one has the same one, but half of my mom’s side of the family has auto-immune conditions including my mom and sister. So…I already felt like a damn ticking time-bomb.

I am scared. But, I am feeling so much better on hormone therapy…so maybe it is/was just hormones? Even the clumsiness and difficulty concentrating are known side effects of perimenopause. The weird nerve pain …well I have zero explanation for that and it has been happening for years. Yes, WAY more frequent now and in new places…but that doesn’t necessarily mean I have MS. Or maybe I just want to believe it real bad.

And then, on Christmas day I was talking to my brother’s ex wife and mentioned my doctor suspecting auto-immune issues. She says, “you have MS?” You couldn’t poke me harder in my scared place. Like, why was that the first thing she thought of? Scared me even more.

So, I read a book called the Wahls Protocol and I want to try some dietary changes. PMR or not, MS or not, hormones or not…I have been feeling like total shit on more days than I feel ok. I am tired more often that I feel energetic, I rest more that I used to and yet feel more tired…

something has to give. The hormones have managed to pull me up just enough that I feel like I have the ability to take it all on. Like, they gave me a boost and now it’s up to me to capitalize on it and turn it from good to great.

Holy crap…gotta go. My sister called and we think my mom had a stroke. On the way to the ER.