End-of-Day Check-in 6/25

How did today go? HARD.  I spent so much of the day hungry and crabby.  Then I actually started to feel angry at not being able to eat and irritated about having to workout AGAIN.   It was….interesting.  Even so, I did stick to the meal plan 100%, I did some but not all of the workouts.

I was down 2 more pounds, for a total of -6 since I started on Tuesday.  I still know this is mostly the water weight from my “whole loaf of zucchini bread” day on Monday.  But, I still call it a win AND it serves the purpose I need it to serve…the early success that can help me stay on course when I am so hungry that I am angry. 🙂

8am run: I was just as tired and sloggy as yesterday, so I kept it down to 1 mile.  I was hoping that would help me do better at getting the other workouts done.

15 minute mini-workouts every 3 hours? 11am: yes, sort of.  I did 10 min on the bike, but at only 70% effort.  Then I did a very short, “I don’t feel like doing this” bit of arm work.    2pm: even crabbier and less motivated, did 10 minutes on the rower but it was pretty unenergetic.     5pm: NOPE.  I just couldn’t make myself.

8pm: NOPE.  By this point I was in full rebellion mode.

Calories planned: 1,160, how did it go?  Stuck to it!!  Even though I spent much of the day hungry and mad that I couldn’t eat.  Knowing how well it is going so far and reminding myself of where I’ll end up if I stop…kept me on course.  If I stop now, it could be months before I find the motivation and mojo to try again.

How did I feel today? HANGRY all day, and pretty unmotivated.

Did I meditate today? Um, no.

3 things I am grateful for today: 1) that I stuck to it.  2)  That today (day 3) is known to be one of the hardest when starting a newly restrictive diet – so hopefully it will get easier. 3) That this is working!  I am down 6 pounds.

Hopes for tomorrow:  to be less crabby and tired and hungry.  I think I will stop this insane idea of working out every 3 hours…it’s just too much, at least right now.  So, the new “plan” is 1 (or 2) solid workouts for the day, then I will make a point to get up and be active every 3 hours at least.  You know, get up and do a load of laundry, or trim the hedge, or clean the kitchen, or work on a project…something that requires movement.

I also think I will add an extra 40 calories to the day by adding a second scoop of collagen protein to my morning coffee.  That makes the day 1200 even.


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